Monday, October 12, 2009

Stephen Gately

Yesterday morning pop star Stephen Gately was found dead in his apartment. An apparent accident, it has left me devastated. During high school I was beginning to question my sexuality and started to feel alone in the world. During this time of being depressed I heard about a British boy band star that had recently come out as gay.

I read about him and his life and started listening to his bands music; I started to feel normal.

Knowing a celebrity that was going through a similar process as me really helped me cope.

That's the best I can do to put into words how I feel about this. I'm filled with an enormous sadness at the loss of someone who can best be described as a hero for me. Not only was he a wonderful singer and role model, but he was young. 33 is way too young to lose anyone.

The loss of him has made me realize how much I want to accomplish, and I need to stop assuming I'll be here tomorrow. One day I'll run out of tomorrows and it's time to take my life off of the back burner.

Stephen Gately will be truly missed, and no one will ever be able to replace him, or what he did for me. Without even meeting me, Stephen changed, and possibly, even saved my life.
