Sunday, August 31, 2008

Only An 8-Ball of Crack Can Make This Watchable

College is a movie that strives to be this generations American Pie. The plot is basically the same; three "lovable" yet nerdy guys want to lose their virginity and hilarity ensues. Or that's what the trailers would have you believe.

The "humor" in the movie is so juvenile that anyone over the age of 8 wouldn't find it funny. Not that anyone 8 years old should watch it, since half of the "jokes" revolve around characters dropping the F-bomb.

One of the most annoying elements of the movie is the love story that seemed to be added as an after thought. There is no chemistry between any of the male leads and their love interests, and furthermore there is rhyme or reason for these girls pursuing our heroes so intently other than they look easy.

The only somewhat enjoyable aspect of the movie was Nick Zano shirtless in several scenes. Unfortunately his 1-dimensional frat guy villain kind of even ruined that. His character, along with all of the other stereotypes running around this movie (mind you there isn't a single black person in this movie...not very realistic of college) could have been better developed had a team of drunken monkeys wrote the script. Had the script been written by monkeys every other joke may have not been a gay joke or a fart joke.

Watching this movie made me feel like the only sober person at a party that had lots of potential but ended up lame. The character of Carter sums it up best when he's sitting outside the sorority house after being dissed by the girls. "College blows."

Yes Carter, it does.
