Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saving Jane "Supergirl"

Saving Jane is a band that I have heard about for many many years. You see, my cousin knows them and has done things for them in the past. Of course I really didn't care about them at all when he was talking about this band I never heard of and their shows. Fast forward to 2006 when all I heard on the radio was Girl Next Door - the song we could all relate to, whether we were the prom queen or in the marching band; we were all the girl (or boy) next door to someone.

Unfortunately for the global music community Saving Jane's follow up singles Happy, Come Down to Me, and One Girl Revolution failed to make the impact of Girl Next Door. Luckily for everyone with ears the wait for new music is over. A few months ago Saving Jane posted the demo of a new song, Supergirl, on their myspace. Now it is an officially released song, available to one and all on iTunes.

Musically Supergirl sounds more like One Girl Revolution than Girl Next Door; it almost sounds like a sequel to OGR (not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned - I'm a giant fan of the sequel). Lyrically it is an upbeat song that will be moved to the top of my playlist of songs to listen to when I need to be cheered up. With lyrics such as "I'm super girl, walking every wire, set the world on fire, no one's shinning brighter, I'm super girl" you just can't feel bad about yourself. Trust me, I know. After twenty listens on repeat I feel like I can do anything (except for finding Citizen Kane entertaining...I don't think that's possible no matter how many listens you give the song). And while I personally think that Marti has a voice that is perfect for the slower and more reflective songs such as my favorite Saving Jane song, Ordinary, she keeps the audiences' attention throughout the song. Marti has the ability to make her personality shine through in every song which makes it a little more special.

The return of Saving Jane has me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait for their next CD. Saving Jane never ceases to move and inspire me. I hope you give them the chance they deserve so that you can say the same thing. A-

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